Happy New Year
CREview is our way of sharing views and opinions on CRE markets and issues that affect the industry.
2024 was the year Covid became a distant memory, the industrial markets adjusted after the biggest boom we’ve seen, the office markets kept plodding along, and the AI revolution continues.
In 2024, some of the topics we covered included:
- Office markets
- Industrial markets
- Data centres
- AI and its effects on jobs and the office market
- Technology and CRE
- Repurposing buildings
- Flight to quality vs Flight to value
We also launched our PPG initiative; CREcycle. With a busy year end CREcycle took a back seat but as CRE waste continues to expand so too does our focus on how we can help reduce landfill from the CRE markets “one tonne at a time”.
2025 should be a fascinating year and no doubt these same topics and more will be investigated. Some things may have changed, and others may not, as is the nature of the CRE markets.
Almost everyone has returned full of enthusiasm and energy in what we believe will be a good and challenging year. The market will keep moving and changing and it will be fun to see where will it end up in 2025.
Thank you for your support to date and we look forward to sharing our views over the coming year. Thank you in particular to those who send comments, questions and criticisms. It keeps us on our toes and helps us expand our views as we hope CREview does yours.
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