July 2024

Pullinen Property Group / 2024 (Page 2)

CRE Industry & Technology: Part 2

We are not technology experts by any stretch of the imagination and do not purport to be. However, since subscribing to one of the original “CREtech” newsletters (PikeNet) in the 90’s we have been fascinated by how technology will impact CRE, and more importantly, the impact...

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CRE Industry & Technology

There is a common global theme that the CRE industry is slow to adopt new technologies. We have even said it ourselves based on what others keep saying. But is it really the case in Australia? The landlord sector (supply) is huge and focused on CRE 100%...

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CREcycle: Changing Habits

Our passion and focus is CRE tenant representation and the markets in which they are housed, but today we digress for a moment. In May we introduced CREcycle as our initiative to reduce CRE landfill from the office sector one tonne at a time. Progress has...

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New Financial Year

Apropos that the start of the new financial year is in the middle of the footy season. The ref blows the whistle and the game begins. The training, the preparation and the analysis that occurs before each game is imperative. The best teams keep improving,...

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Demand for Office Space

In a recent Linkedin post, Dror Poleg commented on the most recent NAIOP Office Space Demand Report for Q2, 2024. These figures are for the US markets and all markets are different. But this is a global trend.   Earlier this year we presented the following statistics for office...

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What’s Shaping the Future of Work?

Last week we attended Spaceful’s event at the Museum of Contemporary Art; Unlimited: an Exploration of Future Workplace Innovation. It was a great event from every perspective, the venue, the vibe of the space, the hosts, the Exhibition Centre for exhibitors, the guest speaker, the...

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The Evolution of CREtech

It is no secret that the CRE industry has been known to be a laggard in adopting new technology. Not that long ago, the main reasons were the high cost of entry for both demand-side and supply-side. The result of this was users were locked into expensive...

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The Co-Working Climate

The original serviced office operators were successful in providing small professionally run office “units” for customers, from small self-employed entities to global corporations. A common thing in the 1980’s was its use by global entities needing a small branch office or beachhead in a particular market. In those...

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Data Centres: Global Perspective

After last week’s data centre presentation and inspection at NEXT DC we decided to get a global perspective on the booming data centre sector. We caught up with Heather Downey of Downey Digital based in Seattle. Heather is a real data centre specialist in the...

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