June 2024

Demand for Office Space

In a recent Linkedin post, Dror Poleg commented on the most recent NAIOP Office Space Demand Report for Q2, 2024. These figures are for the US markets and all markets are different. But this is a global trend.   Earlier this year we presented the following statistics for office...

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What’s Shaping the Future of Work?

Last week we attended Spaceful’s event at the Museum of Contemporary Art; Unlimited: an Exploration of Future Workplace Innovation. It was a great event from every perspective, the venue, the vibe of the space, the hosts, the Exhibition Centre for exhibitors, the guest speaker, the...

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The Evolution of CREtech

It is no secret that the CRE industry has been known to be a laggard in adopting new technology. Not that long ago, the main reasons were the high cost of entry for both demand-side and supply-side. The result of this was users were locked into expensive...

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